Four barriers to allyship and how to overcome them
Allies stand up for the rights of others, even when it’s uncomfortable or inconvenient. What might keep you from acting, and how can you overcome these obstacles?
Reflecting on my own journey to adopt gender-neutral language, and how my journey to inclusion meant revisiting my Southern identity.
Does posting salary ranges in a job description eliminate bias?
Posting salary ranges can help, but it can’t be the only step organizations take.
10 Barriers to creating inclusion and equity in the workplace
Have you wondered what keeps well-intentioned organizations from making good on their diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives?
Inclusion for transgender job seekers and employees
What does inclusion look like for people who fall under the transgender umbrella? Here are steps organizations can take to attract, recruit, and onboard members of this community.
What happened? They were such a promising hire!
Have you ever learned, after the fact, that you blew it during the hiring process? Here’s what may have gone wrong and how you can do better next time.
Out of sight, out of mind - mitigating bias in the age of remote working
Among the many challenges we face due to the pandemic is how the creation of inclusive remote working arrangements. Here’s a guide on creating processes to interrupt your own biases.
A sudden near miss yields insight into how meditation builds the resilience we need to navigate the complex, uncertain, and ever-changing world that we all live in.
Using data to drive your inclusion and diversity strategy
For DEI efforts to be successful, they must be grounded in data, metrics, and meaningful goals rather than relying solely on well-meaning statements of support.
Bias in Our Minds
We need to forgive ourselves for having bias, and we need to educate ourselves so that we can move on to the real work of dismantling the systems that elevate one race over another.
Five Strategies to Help You Navigate Disruption and Uncertainty
Five scientifically-proven strategies to help navigate the disruption created by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Last year, I had the opportunity to speak with a D&I leader at a well known consumer brand. I asked what surprised her the most about getting executive support for their D&I program. After taking a moment to reflect, she answered, “how hard it was for them to understand that people in the organization have different experiences than them.”
Have you heard the advice to practice mindfulness in the morning but can’t figure out how to add another habit to your morning routine? Read on to learn about mindfulness micropractices that don’t add any extra time to your morning routine.
How Diversity Improves Innovation, and Why We Assume the Opposite
Research shows that diverse teams outperform homogeneous teams. When a team brings more diverse viewpoints to problem-solving, the team’s capacity to innovate increases. Despite this research, we still gravitate towards homogenous teams. Learn how to increase your team’s capacity for innovation through greater diversity and how to avoid the pitfalls of homogenous thinking.
The Art & Science of Focusing in a Distracted World
Many of us pay attention by accident, our squirrel brains responding to the most recent or most salient stimuli. Practicing mindfulness builds our ability to respond strategically to the events in our daily lives.
Coming Face to Face with My Unconscious Bias… and How You Can, Too
There's a saying that if you have a brain, you are biased. The good news is that you can learn to spot your biases, and once you know what they are, you can reduce their impact on your behavior.